What time it is?
You know, I really don't understand something. When you have a job, and they tell you to be at work at 8:30, why do they expect you to be there at 8:25??? If they want you to be there early, they should tell you they want you to be there early!!! It's like on Office Space. There is a minimum of flare, but the manager wants Jennifer Aniston to wear more than the minimum. If he wants her to wear more, why isn't the minimum more? If I show up at the correct time and immediately start working, then what's the problem? Aargh!
On a more spiritual note, I had a great dream a few nights ago. I call it "The Parable at the Rock Concert." In my dream, I was at a rock concert, and afterwards, there was a question and answer session. I asked how they felt about leaving home for months at a time, leaving behind their family and friends. The lead singer said this:
"There once was an old widow who had a house that was falling apart. There were holes in the floors, ceilings, and walls. Her neighbors felt so sorry for her, so each took a few boards from their houses to patch up the widow's small, humble home. The widow was so grateful for the outpouring of love from her neighbors. Finally she was able to buy lumber to make the necessary repairs on her home. When she had finished, there was extra lumber left. To each neighbor that gave lumber from their own homes, she gave back."
What will you take away from this parable?
(*Note: In no way is this to be considered doctrine. It simply helps me to understand sharing our testimonies with each other, given to me in a way that I can understand and share.)
Well, I'm sorry to say that I haven't heard from the super great guy that I met last weekend. Thanks to A.J. for telling me, "Just remember boys are boys and they are all a little slow." And you, too, Stevenot. It helps a lot when another guy says it!! Next month is a dance in his part of Zion, so hopefully I'll see him and it'll be great!!
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