Monday, May 22, 2006

Temple Balloons aka Tender Mercies of the Lord

I was sitting at the reflecting pool. looking up at the temple, when something yellow and floating caught my eye. It was a bright yellow balloon, that had been left in the flowers. The wind had picked it up, and it was flying this way and that, just narrowly missing the pool. I thought it inappropriate that it should go in the reflecting pool, so I tried catching it to throw it away. I chased it around the crowds, close to the fence, just outside the pool, but I couldn't catch it. Then, I got an idea. I stood still to watch it's pattern, and I stood in one place with my hands outstretched. After a few seconds, it flew right into my hands. A lady walking by, watching me this entire time, said, "Timing is everything!" How fitting! It still amazes me that Heavenly Father will send us the right messages at the right time, exactly when we are ready to hear them. Spencer W. Kimball said, "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."


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