Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's a shpadoinkle day!

I went to work today for the first time in 2 weeks, and they drop the bomb on me. Jess is going to put Makayla in a new program, and with that, comes lots of money... but not to me. It's either the program, or me, and it's not me. I understand, but it stinks that I won't be with the girls so much anymore. I'll still be working Respite, but it's just not the same.
And it's funny how you think your life can be so... content, and then something happens. Even if it's something bad, you can choose to make the best of it, like I chose to today. I went home early to calm down, worked out my frustrations through scrubbing the floors and weeding, and knowing that as long as I rely on my Heavenly Father, I will be provided for, especially since I'm able to stay in Bob's house (well, it's Fred's house now), like I wanted to.

I have a new crush. I can't say his name because it will jinx it, and I can't talk about him, because he may end up reading this. I don't even know him that well, and it's quite possible that he doesn't remember my name, but he made me laugh, and isn't that a good enough reason??

I went through some old journals, and I found some entries of the months just before my best friend died in a car crash. I was astounded at how grounding she was for me. I had a wonderful view on life, very practical and innocent. It's taken me 8 years to get back to that point. What took me so long? What did I lose that made me take such dramatic steps backwards? How different would I be, how much farther ahead, if I had been able to learn my lessons earlier?

I met a great guy out at the Air Force Acadamy in Colorado Springs. His name is General Dandelion. He chuckles when he sees funny things. I chuckle a little on the inside.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man it's extremely interesting. What people will put on the internet, that is. Who is this Captain and why don't I know him????? Got stuff to tell you. Men suck. Yada yada yada.

We'll be two old maids with our cats and our crushes!!


Lots o Love, A.

4:34 PM  
Blogger stevenot said...

can I be y'alls gardener? I can weed the corn and stuff. It'll be fun. we can go to the store togehter and dare each other to go talk to members of the opposite sex. What do you say?

12:23 AM  

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