Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hold me, I'm so lonely

Hey ya'll! Things are looking a little less bleak nowadays. I've finally finnagled someone into hiring me, so I have an actual honest-to-goodness tax deducting job!! I'm the "merch elf" at Best Buy, and no, I can't get you a discount. Although, I must say that the best part of my job is staring and drooling over the super hotties that make up the Merch team! It's definitely a perk! And, I'll be starting nannying again next month. August is going to be the best month ever! And Pirates of the Carribean was the coolest movie I've seen recently!!
So I told my co-workers (whose mouths need to be washed out with soap, and given a good spanking for all the tom-foolery they engage in instead of actually earning their money like I've shown them up for doing) that I'm Mormon, after a conversation about smoking, drinking, and who to date. Huh.
Boys get on my nerves.


Blogger Angel said...

FYI: Telling co-workers you're a Mormon, doesn't always stop the above listed conversations. Well, it would help if I just walked away. And you know, if Joshua wasn't so against the Church, he'd be worth dating. Almost. I don't know. He really grows on me. Drew's super hot. Keeping my distance from that one. He's a test for me. Hm. Maybe leaving Wal-Mart would be good.

1:28 PM  

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