Friday, August 25, 2006

Brain Vomit

I think that everything that comes into my brain needs to go out somehow. I'm working really hard on it not coming out of my mouth, and that works out well when I don't want to stick my foot in my mouth too much. But it still seems to want to come out through my fingers.
I think I may have scared Zack by telling him about my blog, and then, when he's seen all the stuff about him, he's going to think I'm crazy-obsessed like Angela says I get. I hope not, and I hope that at some point in the future, I can just keep my thoughts just between me and the Lord.
In the meantime, I work with some total hotties, and it's hard because (here we go again) I like Zack and want things to "work out" with him. And these guys are not at all Gospel-centered. In fact, I should be talking to them about how I don't do ANYTHING that they talk about doing... with me or with anyone else.
*Sigh* It's so easy to fall back into the person you used to be. That's so hard for me, because that is the Brooke I'm used to, and that I'm comfortable with, but not necessarily the Brooke I want to be, or even like.
Daddy got me a set of dishes for my birthday! I have more than 4 plates now! Yea me!
Congrats to Steve for finding a girl! It's so nice to find someone to count your days by! (Christmastime, Christmastime, Christmastime...)
And, HoneyBuns, I can't wait till you come visit, so you can sleep anywhere you want! Wink, wink!
In the meantime, everyone have a wonderful week!


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