Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visions of you dance in the night

Wow, what a wonderful time I've had! Mostly good, some just funny-ironic.
So, Zack is the coolest guy ever right now. He's so fun, and funny, and gorgeousness abound. Wonderful hands, strong arms, and a beautiful smile.
So, apparently, I like him a whole lot. And we get to spend all day together tomorrow! Yea me! We'll start off with some house cleaning, then the pool, and then movies and cuddling (although he doesn't know about that part yet!). And dinner on Friday, to celebrate my birthday a little early so that he can be there.
But, sad news. He's leaving the 16th! Back to his other life, back to the Coast Guard. Stupid Conneticut! That's okay, there's always e-mail...
So I went to go take care of my ticket today. Early this morning, actually, and they told me I had to come back later and stand in a line to get a Prayer for Judgement. Fine, that's okay, I'll just probably be late for work. But, what's that in my window when I get back to my car? Why, it's a parking ticket! Yeah me! The funny-ironic thing is that the meter guy saw me put money into the meter, and yet still thought it pertinent to ticket me. I actually put in an hour and a half worth, and only used about 30 minutes. So, I got a ticket while trying to take care of another one! What the heck is up with that?
And apparently, if you don't pay your phone bill, they won't let you talk to anyone. And the rent is late, and I have about $5 until payday, which will be late Thursday night. Well, and Saturday, but I'll already have money then.
Wow, what an interesting past few days.
I have to say, the Mau family is just adorable! That's Zack's family, and they're fun, and inviting, and trusting, and just so darn cute! They asked me to take their family photo while all the kids were together, and I was so flattered that they asked me, when there were lots of other people that live closer. But I got to see Zack smile (a lot) and that made it all worth it. And then there's going to be dinner on Friday with Zack, then dinner on Sunday with the fam. How lucky am I??? Incredibly, especially since I get to spend all day tomorrow with a hot boy!


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