Sunday, October 01, 2006

My ________ itches

So I've had an interesting weekend:
Friday: Hung out with Aaron. Went for ice cream, watched Clerks 2, saw and old flame, watched a scary movie, talked, went to Walmarks, went to WaHo, didn't sleep.
Saturday: Went to work, officially recognized for my position while being buffeted back and forth playing a Chalk Talk game, given a secret gift from a guy with a girlfriend, went back to Aaron's, hung out at the park with his mom while he played with his nephews, fixed dinner, watched a movie, fell asleep on the couch after being awake 38 hours.
Sunday: Clarification- I slept on the couch in the living room, and Aaron slept in his bed in his room. Woke up and snuggled (with the covers between us), and left when Angela texted me to come over.
Fun stuff. It's amazing how you can talk and talk, and not have stuff to run out of at that moment. One of my biggest fears is that when I get married, as my husband and I grow old together we will run out of things to talk about. Aaron said that you wouldn't get to that point if you keep things interesting and open.
I like having him to talk to. And to cuddle with. And to eat ice cream with outside in the cold.
It's been a good day.


Blogger Angel said...

I actually read this one. It was short! Thanks!

BTW, how are things going at Blockbuster?

11:34 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

2 Things:

1. If it itches, scratch it. And they make a cream for that!

2. I love you very much, but I know how you are. Please make sure that your "cuddling & eating ice cream" with Aaron doesn't end up hurting him when you move on. You like to be in physical proxmity to guys. That's great, but sometimes when you move on & no longer want to cuddle with the guys, it hurts them. I don't think you realize that sometimes. I really like Mr. 21 Year-old. I would cuddle with him any day. But if I did & started feeling those kind of feelings & he didn't, it would really hurt when he was through being cuddly friends & wanted to be just friends because he's found himself a girlfriend.
Please, just keep that in mind.

1:10 PM  

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