Saturday, August 26, 2006

Are you listening?

I love my job.
I love my job.
I love my job.
If I keep saying it enough, maybe it will come true.

"The Spirit is more apt to whisper to us if we're quiet. If we rush around always doing something, always being busy, you'll never feel the stillness, and won't be able to tune into the Holy Ghost's whisperings."
How many of us have something on our mind? Money, boys, girls, jobs, bills, money. How much do we really need to worry about? Probably about .05%. The rest we can pray about and leave up to Christ to worry about for us. That's part of the Atonement. Not only for our sins, but also for the times when the boy doesn't call you back, when a friend lets you down, when you're upset because the money coming in doesn't match the money going out, and even when you're just having a bad day because the people you work for are driving you insane. INSANE. He's there to help you through because He's been through it for you. Stop worrying, because you're just doing extra, unnecessary work, that Christ has already taken care of.
I love my job.
I love my job.
I love my job.


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