Friday, October 13, 2006

Orange Christmas

Can things be too good?
It's not something that I'm willing to question if they keep going the way they are! I'm officially a girlfriend now, for about a full week. It's awesome! Talking, walking, dating, eating, and just generally having fun getting to know someone that I only thought I knew before. He's perfect for me right now. I'm not sure how long this "right now" will last, but we've talked a lot about it lasting a long time. Like for eternity. He's almost everything I've wanted in a partner, and he's so good to me. I want to be everything for him, and I know that as long as we talk and communicate and keep on the way we are, it will work out. Not everything will be easy; he's still got tons of school, then beginning a business, and I'll... well, I don't have a whole lot to do besides count merchandise at Best Buy, but I want to do it supporting him in any way possible.
He holds my hand. He strokes my face. He disagrees with me. He smiles at me smiling at him. He laughs at me. He laughs with me. He shares his dreams, disappointments, and fears.
And I hope you read this, Aaron.


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