What I did while it was snowing...

If you're not from around here (and we know who you are!), you might be suprised to find out that this is the biggest snowfall in quite a few years. Yesterday, the roads and schools were completely shut down... except for Best Buy, in which case was open for the idiots that wanted to drive in the snow, ice, and slush.
I had quite a time trying to leave the Big Blue Box. In fact, I'm home, but my car is not. In fact, this is where my car is supposed to be.

My car is stuck at work, and I am stuck at home. What? Of course I'm keeping busy!! I (still) have tons of crocheting and knitting to be finished before Christmas. Here's what I've finished so far. In the tower of scarves there lies:
1 ribbed for Mama
1 shell pattern for Cathryn
1 stockinette switcheroo for Aaron
1 ribbed for Connie
1 stockinette for Jasmine
And I still have a couple more to go. I must admit, there are only two left in the picture that I need to fully finish. I just hate weaving in the ends. It's tedious and boring, and sometimes I'd just much rather let them hang in their unfinished glory than weave them in for a finished project! But, alas, not everyone is as cutting edge as I.
As it goes, I have a few days until I may be able to reach my car to go anywhere, so I have more than enough to keep me busy. Including the cardamom cookies that are resting in my fridge til I decide it's time to roll them in sugar and bake them. Then eat all of them. By myself.
Until I am rescued, here's a nice picture of the melting ice. Enjoy the day off, ladies and gentlemen; this may be the last productive day until Christmas!
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