Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm in love with a man named James Morrison (or at least his music)

Hey ya'll! Long time, no type! Well, lots of stuff has changed, and not much has stayed the same...
I'm still in love with Aaron. I'm just enjoying the time we spend together. It hurts that he's not... as interested as I had hoped he would be. He has his own beliefs, but I want him to consider mine as I consider his take on the world, as sarcastic and cynical it may be. He is my joy, my entertainment, my sounding board, my dealer for PS3 crack.
Darla went to London, and I'm green! She said she had a wonderful time, and I will definitely be going with her next time!
Steve! What the heck?! I'm so excited that you and Heidi are doing great. Can't wait to see ya'll again whenever I can make it out west again. I was looking through my pictures, and was thinking about the time I spent out there. Which leads me to confession time...
I told everyone not to talk to me, not to call or come by. I've been having a hard time, so I knew that I needed some time to get back to myself and to strengthen my testimony. For a little over a year, I've been struggling with some things in the gospel, and I knew that I was going to have to do some serious make-up studying to get back even half of what I have lost. I haven't talked to anyone in the past couple days, and I know that I still need a little more time, but when my head is clear and my heart is in the right spot, I will be able to attend the temple. Were it not for my temptations and tribulations, I would not be able to stand with a true, sure testimony.
I love you all. Thank you so much for your prayers, your love, your time, and especially your patience.


Blogger Angel said...

Don't push him too hard. Conversion for the wrong reasons isn't conversion. I'm dealing with that right now and I don't know really just how I feel. I hate for someone else to go through this. It sucks.

9:41 AM  
Blogger stevenot said...

So I just left a comment on Angelas blog, and I think the same thing sis applicable to you! Hang in there! Keep on keepin on! I love you both! (you and angela i mean. I could say aaron too, but I don't know him, plus he's a guy so that might be kinda awkward!) anyways, you can call anytime. I really enjoy calls that wake me up, and I guarantee I'm loopy enough that you'll enjoy it too! Talk at you soon!!!

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

6:53 AM  

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