I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid, there's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can play with...
Well, we're almost 3 months into it, and things are going wonderful! Aaron is attentive, funny, punny, smelly, smart, ambitious, and mine, mine, mine. It's hard, and going to be hard, that he's not a member, but I think about it, I pray about it, and I still have good feelings about staying with him. I keep getting the same answer, "It will be hard, but it will be worth it." It's hard to explain it to people, because of a couple reasons: 1) "everyone" says it's hard. Well, yes. But does that mean that it's not going to be better? Will he never join? There are plenty of couples that the wife was a member, and the husband wasn't, and they are doing just fine as Bishops. And if he doesn't join in this life, there is always the next. I love him enough to give him time to decide what is best for him. I will not push, pull, or use tears to force him to do something he's not willing to do, or put his full effort into because he's doing it for me, and not for himself. 2) We can still raise our children in the Gospel, and give them the choice, just like every other Primary child, to be baptized. I feel like I have to defend myself, because others have gone through something similar, and the outcome hasn't been what they expected. I understand that people want the best for me, but the bottom line is that I will take into consideration what they say, but I still have to make my own decisions based on the answers to prayers that I receive, and to listen to the Spirit when I'm moved to talk about the church to Aaron.
It would be so much easier if everyone was a member, but that defeats the purpose of choice and accountability. It is my choice to date whom I wish, and it's hard when friends and family don't believe me when I say that this is right for me because of the good, soft feelings that come along with my decision to continue dating Aaron even though he's not a member. They can tell me what they believe is right for me, but after a lot, a lot, a lot of prayer, I know that being with him is right for me right now. And right for him. I am trying to be the best example, and keep the light that he had seen in me when we first saw each other again.
This may seem like a passive-aggressive tirade, but I get frustrated with others. And yes, I'm sure I'm just as frustrating.
*Sigh. It will all be worth it...
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