A boy was walking down the road one day. Up ahead, he saw a snake, stretched out across his side of the road. He started to walk across the road to avoid the snake, when the snake spoke to him. "Boy... help me."The boy was astonished! He had never heard a snake talk before."Boy, please help. I've gotten cold and cannot move. Please pick me up and warm me so that I can cross the road," the snake pleaded."But you are a snake," the boy replied. "As soon as I should pick you up, you are sure to bite me.""No, I won't. I will remember your kindness."The boy thought and thought. The boy walked to the snake, picked it up, and cuddled it to his chest to warm it. As soon as the snake was warm enough, it turned and bit the boy."Snake! Why did you bite me? You said you wouldn't!""But boy," hissed the snake, "you knew what I was from the beginning."
No Super-Cutie for me!
So, hottie from TN wasn't there, but we had a blast anyways!!! Can you believe they fit 6 people in a truck?! Well, the inside of it. I'm sure there were people who enjoyed it.So I have two job offers on the table, and I'm sure glad I pay tithing!! It's a totally great thing, and I get so many blessings from it!! Congrats to Steve O for a new baby nephew, Kade Orrin!!!
Well, wish me luck everyone!! Okay, Steve, that's you!! I'm going to TN tonight, hoping that my future husband is waiting with bated breath for me to arrive, to sweep me off my feet in a whirlwind of affection!! Just kidding, I just hope my super-cutie is there, so I can talk to him and know why he hasn't e-mailed yet. Wish me luck!!!
Some of my favorite things...
When it rains, especially when it rains and is nice and toasty inside and nice and freezing outside, my favorite thing to do is read a good book. I had the honor to see "Chronicles of Narnia" last weekend. One word: OHMIGOSH!!! Definitely one of the top 3 movies I've seen in a long, long time. When I was younger, I read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, but after going to church, I see these stories in a whole new light, and it gives more depth and meaning to the movies. The imagry is amazing, and it brings further light and knowledge to the Atonement of Christ. It has renewed my determination to read more... appropriate books, so I've picked up a volume that has all seven books combined, and have already plowed through The Magician's Nephew, and am through the first few chapters of the next book.
I have the best job in the world (of all my jobs, it's my favorite!) I am fortunate to be a nanny for two awesome ladies, for their 2 1/2 year old twin girls, Bailey and Makayla. They're just so smart, and funny, and sweet, and all the other adjectives you can think of to describe toddlers. Being able to interact with them and teach them new things, helps me to see things from their point of view, and have a renewed love for the earth and all the things in it. Their enthusiasm for imaginary play sparks the inner child in me, and I find myself playing along, pretending I'm a butterfly, flying away because the net is coming to catch me. And yet, as they grow up, I hope that the net of the world, all the poverty, lonliness, and hate, will never be able to catch them. I just love working with kids, and these girls are the epitome of everything you can hope for in a child.
This coming weekend, we have a Young Single Adult activity in Johnson City, right near my super-cutie lives. I'm hoping that during the Napoleon Dynamite-themed games, he will realize his undying and eternal love for me, and insist on going to the alter right away, no time to get a wedding dress or flower girls. Sometimes I feel like Helena, chasing after Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Use me as you would your spaniel! It doesn't matter how you treat me, just as long as you treat me!! Yes, well, I am also real about it, and know that it does matter how your partner treats you, but sometimes you just don't care, just as long as someone is paying attention to you. There's only so many lone weekends you can take. And friendship is nice, but a friend can't hold you the way your husban/boyfriend can. I think that's the thing I miss the most about dating, is the cuddling; holding hands and walking together in public; getting a back rub while doing the dishes; arguing over what to watch on t.v. (although it really doesn't matter, because there's not much good on anyways). Simple stuff like that is what I'm looking forward to when I FINALLY get married. Isn't it sad that my youngest cousin is married before I am? Or am I going to be more blessed because I've been made to wait longer while the man perfect for me is being prepared, and I for him? *Sigh* I shall not know till that day comes.
Well, I officially hate computers. The TWO that we have are broken, and by broken, I mean that they don't even turn on. What's the point of technology when you can't even fix something once it's broken?? And darn those stupid boys! Darn them all to heck!!! So the super-cutie I met last weekend STILL hasn't e-mailed, which leads to only one conclusion: he's been in a horrible accident, and has lost the use of his fingers to type out a message. He has to go through the alphabet one letter at a time to pass messages to his family, but they don't know who Brooke is, even though he spells out my name time and time again. *Sigh* Anyways, to make a long story short, it might be a while before I'm back in action with my very special, very cool blog spot. So, just be patient, and I will be back soon!!
What time it is?
You know, I really don't understand something. When you have a job, and they tell you to be at work at 8:30, why do they expect you to be there at 8:25??? If they want you to be there early, they should tell you they want you to be there early!!! It's like on Office Space. There is a minimum of flare, but the manager wants Jennifer Aniston to wear more than the minimum. If he wants her to wear more, why isn't the minimum more? If I show up at the correct time and immediately start working, then what's the problem? Aargh!On a more spiritual note, I had a great dream a few nights ago. I call it "The Parable at the Rock Concert." In my dream, I was at a rock concert, and afterwards, there was a question and answer session. I asked how they felt about leaving home for months at a time, leaving behind their family and friends. The lead singer said this:"There once was an old widow who had a house that was falling apart. There were holes in the floors, ceilings, and walls. Her neighbors felt so sorry for her, so each took a few boards from their houses to patch up the widow's small, humble home. The widow was so grateful for the outpouring of love from her neighbors. Finally she was able to buy lumber to make the necessary repairs on her home. When she had finished, there was extra lumber left. To each neighbor that gave lumber from their own homes, she gave back."What will you take away from this parable? (*Note: In no way is this to be considered doctrine. It simply helps me to understand sharing our testimonies with each other, given to me in a way that I can understand and share.)Well, I'm sorry to say that I haven't heard from the super great guy that I met last weekend. Thanks to A.J. for telling me, "Just remember boys are boys and they are all a little slow." And you, too, Stevenot. It helps a lot when another guy says it!! Next month is a dance in his part of Zion, so hopefully I'll see him and it'll be great!!
My First Time
Well, this is my first blog ever, so be easy with it!! My super great guy friend, Steve-o, has a very clever one (see Ramblings of a Physics Stud), and it got me to thinking, "Hey, I'd like one of those blog things!!" So here we are.A little about myself:Well, I'm sure you can view that kind of thing in my profile.What's new with me? I went to a wedding reception last weekend, and met this guy... just my type, tall, with dark hair, and a good-naturedness that matches my own. And the boy can dance! What more can you ask for? Well, how about an e-mail! We have church things in common, so we're supposed to "get together" with some ideas for regional activities. When is this supposed to happen? When you give someone your phone number (or these days your e-mail address), what's the correct time to wait before you contact them? I'm so out of the loop on these things. I'm sure I'll hear from him now... now... now... now...