Saturday, August 26, 2006

Are you listening?

I love my job.
I love my job.
I love my job.
If I keep saying it enough, maybe it will come true.

"The Spirit is more apt to whisper to us if we're quiet. If we rush around always doing something, always being busy, you'll never feel the stillness, and won't be able to tune into the Holy Ghost's whisperings."
How many of us have something on our mind? Money, boys, girls, jobs, bills, money. How much do we really need to worry about? Probably about .05%. The rest we can pray about and leave up to Christ to worry about for us. That's part of the Atonement. Not only for our sins, but also for the times when the boy doesn't call you back, when a friend lets you down, when you're upset because the money coming in doesn't match the money going out, and even when you're just having a bad day because the people you work for are driving you insane. INSANE. He's there to help you through because He's been through it for you. Stop worrying, because you're just doing extra, unnecessary work, that Christ has already taken care of.
I love my job.
I love my job.
I love my job.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Brain Vomit

I think that everything that comes into my brain needs to go out somehow. I'm working really hard on it not coming out of my mouth, and that works out well when I don't want to stick my foot in my mouth too much. But it still seems to want to come out through my fingers.
I think I may have scared Zack by telling him about my blog, and then, when he's seen all the stuff about him, he's going to think I'm crazy-obsessed like Angela says I get. I hope not, and I hope that at some point in the future, I can just keep my thoughts just between me and the Lord.
In the meantime, I work with some total hotties, and it's hard because (here we go again) I like Zack and want things to "work out" with him. And these guys are not at all Gospel-centered. In fact, I should be talking to them about how I don't do ANYTHING that they talk about doing... with me or with anyone else.
*Sigh* It's so easy to fall back into the person you used to be. That's so hard for me, because that is the Brooke I'm used to, and that I'm comfortable with, but not necessarily the Brooke I want to be, or even like.
Daddy got me a set of dishes for my birthday! I have more than 4 plates now! Yea me!
Congrats to Steve for finding a girl! It's so nice to find someone to count your days by! (Christmastime, Christmastime, Christmastime...)
And, HoneyBuns, I can't wait till you come visit, so you can sleep anywhere you want! Wink, wink!
In the meantime, everyone have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

D & C 121:45

"Let it go."

"... and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven."

I prayed the other night, about something that I was struggling with. I want something soooo bad, but it's just not feasible for me to have it right now, especially since it involves someone else. "Let it go" was my answer. Not to let it go completely, that it will just never happen, so give up, but to let it go and try not to force anything. Let it go and see what blossoms. Let it go and see what God can do with it, with me.

D & C 121:45 has been on my mind for a while. And I've learned several different things while thinking on it. Several different meanings for the same scripture.
"Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish your thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as dews from heaven."
Ponder on that for a while, and let me know what you come up with.
Love you all.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!!
I've had a great day! I slept in till 7:45, read in bed, both Stephen King and scriptures, took a hot shower, got a free lunch buffett at Asiana, then came home. I slathered up in bug spray and lit a citronella candle so that I could sit outside and read some more. Then I went to dinner at my mom's house (ribs) and then met Darla at Dairy Queen to have a delicious mint Oreo Blizzard. Now I'm writing this to let everyone know that I've had a wonderful day!
But I'm still missing someone, and then my mom asks all about this person, and I miss them even more.
So, I expect the cards and money to be pouring in, now that you know it's my birthday!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Scooby Doo dissertation

So, how is Scooby Doo supposed to be talking, and why is it that everyone can understand him? And how do they solve the case if there are no clues? Don't they ever just stay in and watch movies instead of getting marooned on deserted islands, running into ghosts, and magically solving a mystery that the local cops can't figure out? Are the local cops so dumb that it takes a man wearing a neckerchief, a dumb blonde, a super smart (how come she isn't the one always figuring stuff out? Why is it always Fred doing the explaining? Has she not found the feminist movement yet, and told Fred to shut the heck up?) chic, a stoner, and a dog that can talk? And why isn't Scooby more popular if he's a talking dog? I've never seen a talking dog. A counting one, but never a talking one. Why does Shaggy never seem to gain a pound? If I ate that much, I wouldn't be able to walk, and I'd have to go on the Wife Swap, and make some other lady feel sorry for me so she'll want to pay for my gastric bypass surgery, but I'll still tell her she's a heathen. And who is laughing in the background? Why would they tape people for a laugh track when it's a bunch of kids watching, who don't even recognize (let alone know what it is) a laugh track? There's absolutely no reason for it. Why is the bad guy always a creepy old guy? And everything involves some sort of fictional character, like ghosts, werewolves, witches, and the like. Won't they ever figure out that it's never a "real" ghost, and they should just go about their way to find the treasure, or whatever else is missing? And where can I find some Scooby snacks? It's like Popeye's spinach. Scooby can do anything as long as he has his snacks. What's the difference between eating one Scooby snack and then chasing the ghost, as opposed to chasing the ghost, taking off his mask, and then having a feast of Scooby snacks. Better yet, just staying at home and chillin like a villain, and not chasing anything! Why go to "the old haunted mansion?" They know what's there!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Shakespeare's Sonnets, Numbers 26 & 75

So, my world is falling down. Zack is leaving tomorrow, and no more until at least Christmas time, if then. But, there's e-mail, and snail mail (gosh, how I hate that term. And since when is sending an actual hand-written letter against everyone's better judgement. It's so personal and personable. You can tell so much more about a person by their handwriting.) Thanks, Steve, for letting me vent to you, and Angela, no crazy-obsession for me. Just a little heartache to go with my breakfast.
Is it okay to cry even if you don't love them yet?

Alec, the 12-year old I nanny for, is very inquisitive. Lots of questions about my love and sex life (to neither of which do I have anything to speak of), as well as various other subjects such as puberty, Zack, "Angie", my cats, living by myself, marriage, and my lack of asking Zack to be my boyfriend. Is this normal for a 12-year old to ask? Is it okay for me to answer almost all his questions truthfully? Well, I think it's good for me to be truthful with him. I think it builds trust with him, although I tell him when some of the questions he asks are inappropriate (like when the last time I had sex was... I can't even remember!). It definitely keeps me on my toes.

Happy birthday to the following:
Aaron on the 8th
Traci on the 11th
Donna Moody on the 14th
Cindy on the 15th
Amanda on the 15th
Me!! on the 18th

And an extra special "Thank you" to Zack (sorry guys, he's been on my mind too much for me not to talk about him, and mostly I'm keeping it in my head, and using that nifty filter not to have everything from my brain gush out of my mouth... or in this case my fingers) for giving me (although not yet) the movie "Gladiator" for my birthday. I will always remember it as the first movie we watched together. I hope it will be the first of many. And I can't wait to give him the hooked up gift for his birthday!! Ironically, it fits right in with all my other boyfriends; they've all but three been between September 25 and 30. That even includes two (Taylor and Steve) that I haven't gone out with! That's like... 6! That's funny to me.

Anyways, I hope everyone reading this will have a super week, and I love you both!

P.S. I'd like to give a shout-out to my man candy that has recently returned from his mission, Honey Buns. You'd better get your butt out here so that you can not sleep on the couch! Miss you much!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visions of you dance in the night

Wow, what a wonderful time I've had! Mostly good, some just funny-ironic.
So, Zack is the coolest guy ever right now. He's so fun, and funny, and gorgeousness abound. Wonderful hands, strong arms, and a beautiful smile.
So, apparently, I like him a whole lot. And we get to spend all day together tomorrow! Yea me! We'll start off with some house cleaning, then the pool, and then movies and cuddling (although he doesn't know about that part yet!). And dinner on Friday, to celebrate my birthday a little early so that he can be there.
But, sad news. He's leaving the 16th! Back to his other life, back to the Coast Guard. Stupid Conneticut! That's okay, there's always e-mail...
So I went to go take care of my ticket today. Early this morning, actually, and they told me I had to come back later and stand in a line to get a Prayer for Judgement. Fine, that's okay, I'll just probably be late for work. But, what's that in my window when I get back to my car? Why, it's a parking ticket! Yeah me! The funny-ironic thing is that the meter guy saw me put money into the meter, and yet still thought it pertinent to ticket me. I actually put in an hour and a half worth, and only used about 30 minutes. So, I got a ticket while trying to take care of another one! What the heck is up with that?
And apparently, if you don't pay your phone bill, they won't let you talk to anyone. And the rent is late, and I have about $5 until payday, which will be late Thursday night. Well, and Saturday, but I'll already have money then.
Wow, what an interesting past few days.
I have to say, the Mau family is just adorable! That's Zack's family, and they're fun, and inviting, and trusting, and just so darn cute! They asked me to take their family photo while all the kids were together, and I was so flattered that they asked me, when there were lots of other people that live closer. But I got to see Zack smile (a lot) and that made it all worth it. And then there's going to be dinner on Friday with Zack, then dinner on Sunday with the fam. How lucky am I??? Incredibly, especially since I get to spend all day tomorrow with a hot boy!